Harakeke 3
Where does harakeke grow and how does it survive?
To understand that plants have needs in order to survive and reproduce.
The natural habitat of harakeke is to grow alongside waterways. Because of its closeness to water, harakeke has roots that spread out so that it is not washed away. These roots are very good at holding the soil together.
Harakeke leaves contain muka that are able to support the leaf so that it can grow tall. Having large tall leaves enables harakeke to receive lots of sunlight. The sunlight is used to make sugar in the leaves to give the plant energy. The leaves are tough protecting them against the wind and making it hard for animals to eat.
Harakeke flowers are red and contain sweet nectar. This attracts tūī and kāmako (korimako) so that they can spread pollen. Pollen is needed so that seeds can develop and grow into new harakeke.