Activity - How can you tell moths apart? Levels 3 and 4
Achievement Objectives - Whāinga Paetae: Te Weu
3.2 Make broad scientific classifications of some organisms. Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: (p.100) Te Ao Tūroa, Te Rauropi 2
4.2 Make detailed scientific classifications of some organisms. Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: (p.101) Te Ao Tūroa, Te Rauropi 2
Learning Outcome
I will be able to:
- describe the similarities between two moths
- describe the differences between two moths
- write questions that tell the difference between harakeke moths.
Success Criteria
- I can describe the similarities between moths. ☺
- I can describe the differences between moths. ☺
- I can write questions that tell the difference between harakeke moths. ☺
Colour is an obvious difference between these moths. How else can you tell these moths apart? Make a list of similarities and differences between these moths.
In the next activity you will write questions that tell the difference between harakeke moths.
- Cut out black and white photographs of the harakeke window and notch moths.
- Write on a set of flash cards, questions on the differences between the two moths. On the reverse side of each card write the answer to the question.
- Show the photos of the moths to someone else and ask them to use your questions to find out the names of the moths. They can check their answers with the back of the card.
- How good were your questions?
- Could the other person tell the difference between the two moths?
- What changes would you make to your questions?

Landcare Research

Landcare Research